Webinaire : “accounts and debate: from covid crisis situation to industrial resilience” July 6th 14-16h
August 11, 2022The Nanovia team will be participating in the webinaire organized by pôle EMC2 on the topic of “from covid crisis situation to industrial resilience” wednesday june 6th from 2 to 4 pm.

During this debate, Nanovia will present the actions employed to adapt our production when the first waves of COVID hit, as well as the development of our virucidal products: Nanovia PLA and Flex VX, as well as the production of visors for hospitals.
Closing the debate, Pôle EMC2 will present the European project “RESERVIST“, which has as aim to coordinate different European industries in time of crisis.
Also present at the debate :
- Socomore : Industrial surface treatments and covers.
- Tronico : Electronica development and manufacturing.
Read more about this event at : https://www.pole-emc2.fr/event/temoignages-et-debat-de-situations-de-crise-covid-a-resilience-industrielle
Tags: Nanovia Flex VX, Nanovia PLA VXCategorised in: Events