Tag Archive: Nanovia PA FI

Why use PA Food Industry?

June 27, 2024 4:55 pm Published by

🔔 MATERIAL FOCUS 🔔 Why use PA Food Industry? 1 – Food compliance: PA Food Industry is formulated to comply with strict regulations governing materials in contact with food. This ensures that objects printed with this material are safe for... View Article

Omni3D profils d'impression Nanovia

Omni3D printing profiles available

February 8, 2024 3:14 pm Published by

With the help of ERM and Bretagne Impression 3D, we profiled and characterized every Nanovia filament on the Omni TECH (Factory 2.0 NET). These 20 new Simplify3D printing profiles are compatible with he whole Omni3D range, and are integrated with... View Article