magigoo pro pa test nanovia pa rail

Adherence test Magigoo Pro PA & Nanovia PA Rail

November 24, 2022 Published by
Nanovia PA Rail et Magigoo

We’ve recently tested Thought3D’s Magigoo 3D printing plate adherence products, among which, their Magigoo Pro PA made for the use with polyamides (nylon) with our Nanovia PA Rail.

The latter is a polyamide that adheres to the non flammable, low smoke and toxic free requirements of the railway sector norm NF EN 45545-2 (R22, R23, HL1, HL2, HL3).

We’ve realized 2 tests on textured and smooth build plates with and without adhesive.

The first, a simple rectangle with a big surface area, the second an inverted triangle with a small surface area.

Magigoo test models for bed adhesion
Typical adherence test

Without adhesive

On a smooth build plate (PEI), the first test printed perfectly without any warping, the second slightly warped.

On the textured build plate, the first test showed sings of losing adherence, and the second test completely failed after only a couple of layers

Nanovia PA Rail sans colle
Adherence test of Nanovia PA Rail on a textured build plate without adhesive

We can conclude that without adhesive that Nanovia PA Rail has a better adhesion to smooth build surfaces.

With Magigoo Pro PA adhesive

On both test realized with the Magigo Pro PA adhesive on the smooth build plate no signs of warping were to be seen.

On the textured build plate, no signs of warping were present on the first test, and only a slight warp on the second.

Nanovia PA Rail avec colle Magigoo
Adherence test of Nanovia PA Rail on a smooth build plate with Magigoo Pro PA adhesive


The Magigoo Pro PA adhesive clearly shows its effect based on the tests on multiple build places, and allows for the reduction, even elimination of any signs of warping on parts printed using Nanovia PA Rail.

We recommend its use when 3D printing objects with big surface areas and complex geometries that are prone to oscillate during the printing process.

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