ZORTRAX Nanovia PETG CF printing profile
January 11, 2023The official printer profile for Nanovia PETG CF is now available on the BETA version of Z-Suite 3.1.0 for ZORTRAX 3D Printers.
To test this new profile we subjected the ZORTRAX M300 Dual to a high volume endurance test of over 4 days and more than 3 kilos of Nanovia PETG CF to fabricate a functional prototype for a ball valve without interruption.
To download the latests version of Z-Suite : https://support.zortrax.com/downloads/#z-suite-beta
For more information on Nanovia PETG CF : https://nanovia.tech/en/ref/nanovia-petg-cf/
To learn more about the ZORTRAX M300 Dual : https://zortrax.com/3d-printers/m300-dual/

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