Sampe France 2022 Technical Days
November 15, 2022Come and meet us at the Sail museum (cité de la Voile) in Lorient, France this friday 18th of November at the Sampe France technical days. The highlight of this event is the Sampe student composite bridge competition that is held the 17th after the conferences.

Innovative 3D printed models will go head to head to traditionally fabricated models. Via the intermediary of ComposiTIC and l’Institut Régional des Matériaux Avancés (IRMA) the students of the master « Génie Mécanique et Matériaux » of the Université Bretagne Sud gave life to their digital bridges using our carbon fibre reinforced Nanovia PETG CF filament.
Our team will be at the event to present our products suited for these applications as some of our projects near the end of their development cycle.
Tags: PETG CFCategorised in: Events